Fans' fury over 'toerag' Bieber: Dubai concertgoers left fuming after star leaves them waiting for two hours in 30C heat

Justin Bieber fans were distraught when the pop star kept them waiting for two hours in humid 86F (30C) heat.
When he finally took to the stage in Dubai at 10pm on Saturday he performed only one song before disappearing for a break.
By the time he returned, many of the 15,000-strong audience, who had paid up to £175 for tickets, were leaving because Sunday is a school day in the United Arab Emirates.

Justin Bieber angered fans in Dubai yesterday after he turned up two hours late
Justin Bieber angered fans in Dubai on Saturday after he turned up two hours late

After leaving crowds waiting in 30C heat, Bieber performed just one song before leaving the stage for a break and costume change
After leaving crowds waiting in 30C heat, Bieber performed just one song before leaving the stage for a break and costume change

Some had travelled miles to get there as the concert venue is in the middle of the desert on the outskirts of Dubai.
Parents and fans vented their anger on Twitter. One mother said: ‘What a toerag.’
Another mother-of-two, Eileen Wallis, said: 'You really can’t keep thousands - including a significant percentage of kids - waiting for two hours on a school night. Not cool. 
'He is a polished performer but after 30 years of concert-going, this is the first time an artist leaves the stage after just one song.'
    Chris Birks tweeted: 'It’s a school night here Justin, have some respect…your fans have been waiting over four hours.' 
    In his first show in the Middle East, he opened at 10pm with All Around the World - then disappeared while a DJ took over.
    By the time he reappeared in a different outfit, fed-up parents were already leaving in droves.

    As Sunday is a schoolday in the United Arab Emirates, many parents took their children home at 10.30pm
    As Sunday is a schoolday in the United Arab Emirates, many parents took their children home at 10.30pm

    The popstar's performance was later interrupted when a male member of the audience tackled Bieber and tipped over a piano after climbing onto the stage.
    But he managed to finish the song as security took the man away, and returned to perform the gig finale after a three-minute break. 
    It is not the first time that the 19-year-old Canadian has come under fire for treating his fans badly. 
    In March, he was two hours late  for a performance at London’s O2 arena. Many of the youngsters had  to leave before he even appeared on stage and others missed their last trains home.
    And while on tour in the Netherlands he caused upset when he claimed Anne Frank would have been a ‘Belieber’ if she had been alive as a teenager today.

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