"My mom doesn't dress ME up as a hooker": Five-year-old pageant princess blasts Toddlers & Tiaras rival Paisley, three

The week wouldn't be complete without a memorable quote from a pageant princess, and the latest example from Toddlers and Tiaras certainly doesn't disappoint.

A TLC clip published on TMZ today sees five-year-old Isabella Barrett criticise show rival Paisley Dickey, three, whose mother controversially dressed her up as Julia Roberts' character in Pretty Woman.

While chatting to the camera about her 'special Christmas tan' she said: 'Last time I was here, Paisley was trying to copy me ... but MY mom doesn't dress me up as a hooker.'

Spilling: Isabella Barrett, 5, openly criticized show rival Paisley Dickey, 3, whose mother dressed her up as Julia Roberts' character in Pretty Woman

Strut: The 3-year-old strut before the judges in the Julia Roberts costume that was admonished by both her competitor and other mothers in the audience

No copycat: Isabella says that while Paisley previously tried to copy her act, her mother wouldn't dress her 'as a hooker'

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