The slim Made In Chelsea star endures a military-style fitness course ready for Christmas

Why are you at boot camp, Caggie?! The slim Made In Chelsea star endures a military-style fitness course ready for Christmas

Losing what pounds? Made in Chelsea star Caggie Dunlop spent a week at a military boot camp to lose weight ahead of the Christmas holidays

Worth the pain: The 22-year-old lost half a stone and three inches off of her stomach after the week-long work out

Pre-Christmas pain: Caggie's getting ready for a holiday in the sun and wants to get bikini-fit

Made in Norfolk: The reality star loved her week at the No1Bootcamp and has vowed to return again in the near future

And stretch: Caggie relished the challenge ahead of the Christmas season

Pert: The slim star toned up her figure even more and thanked the trainers afterwards for transforming her body

No pain no gain: She was put through her paces for a whole week to ensure she got the body she wanted

No mince pies in sight: Caggie's ensuring she looks her best in her Christmas party frocks

'Loving' it: The reality TV star enjoyed putting her body to the test

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