Been in the wars? Lindsay Lohan sports angry bruises on her legs while sunning herself alone in bright blue bikini

She's entering court-ordered rehab any day now and Lindsay Lohan is hardly keeping a low profile.
The troubled starlet showed off a number of large angry bruises on her legs as she sunbathed on a Brazilian beach on Tuesday, wearing a bright blue bikini.
Instead of covering up the huge marks, she decided to strip down on the public beach where she was spending the day on her own.

Covered in bruises: Lindsay Lohan showed off angry red marks on her legs as she sunned herself in Rio on Tuesday

Although the 26-year-old has been joined in South America by a large entourage and boyfriend Avi Snow, she spent her day off by herself, soaking up the rays and paddling in the sea.

And if the accident prone star was embarrassed by her marked legs, she certainly didn't show it, strutting around the beach without a cover-up.
Clearly proud of her curvy figure, the body-confident actress lounged around on the sand with a fully made-up face and her hair falling long and tousled over her shoulders.

Accident prone? The troubled starlet didn't seem worried about anyone seeing the huge bruises on her thighs as she stripped down to a blue bikini

On her own: Lindsay spent the day by herself, despite having arrived in Brazil with an entourage and boyfriend Avi Snow

Bod-confident: Lindsay was clearly happy to show off her famous figure, strutting around the public beach

The painful-looking bruises could well have occurred during one of Lindsay's nights out in Rio, where she's spent the last week partying and working.
On Thursday night she was spotted hiding under a table on the dirty floor of a nightclub with her head in her hands, after another raucous night.
After soaking up the last few rays on the beach Lindsay returned to her hotel to get ready for her flight home.

Quick paddle: The red head had a quick dip in the sea, drying off in the sun afterwards

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