Chloe Sims attempts to recreate Samantha's Valentines sushi surprise (but covers up with lettuce!)

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The Only Way Is Essex cast are always up for trying something new - especially Chloe Sims.

But TV star's latest stunt was hardly original, and many viewers will know why.

The mother-of-one took the time to help her co-stars Billi Mucklow and Cara Kilbey when they decided to hold a Sex And The City themed party at Billi's salon.

Sushi surprise: Chloe Sims covers herself in sushi as she helps out at Billi's Sex And The City themed party

And in true SATC style on Valentines Day, Chloe took this opportunity to cover her slender body in sushi.

In a scene that almost mimicked Samantha's in the first movie, TOWIE fans see the model get to grips with the raw food but it seems the girls are unsure where to place it all.

'Where shall I put the lobster?' Billi asked them, but this caused Cara to scream: 'No! You know I don't like animals near me,' when Billi put the food too close to her.

It then leads her to give Chloe some all important advice as she lays down on the table.

'It stinks!': The brunette wasn't keen on being covered in the raw fish

The original scene: Chloe was imitating SATC's Samantha who covered herself in sushi on Valentines Day

'Make sure you don't get wasabi anywhere 'cos it will hurt,' she tells her, to which Chloe replied: 'Ugh it stinks of fish! I feel like I'm passing out, I'm in like a weird fish dream!'

But despite being covered in sushi, Chloe still manages to look glamorous wearing nude-coloured knickers and a seashell bikini top.

But not everyone is feeling in the mood to celebrate the romantic day as James 'Arg' Argent is still finding his break-up with Lydia Bright quite hard to deal with.

Looking good: Chloe showed off her slender figure in a white seashell bikini top and knickers

As he confided in his friend Joey Essex, he explained that he is confused by the whole situation.

'She told me that she still loves me, still wants to marry me, have my kids. And then she disrespects me like this,' he tells him.

'Everyone at the moment is going against you mate, every single person is going against you,' Joey replied.

Getting involved: Billi's dog joined the SATC party and donned a small hat and jacket

'Hopefully people will see the real Arg again, do you know what I mean, 'cos you're upset aren't you? I know how you feel.'

But while Arg may not have received a card from a special someone, his former mother-in-law to-be did.

Debbie Bright was rather surprised to receive the mysterious card, and listened to the views of Nanny Pat and Carol Wright on who they sender might have been.

Straight talking: Billi asked Cara's brother Tom if he fancied her to which he replied 'Yeah, I do.'

Later on some of the TOWIE stars are seen enjoying a night out where things begin to hot up between Billie and Cara's brother Tom.

The blonde star decided to be upfront with him and simply asked: 'Do you fancy me?' to which he replied: 'Yeah, I do.'

But that's not the only flirting that is taking place, as it seems that newcomer Ricky Rayment is turning heads wherever he goes.

'Oh look he's got all the girls around him hasn't he?' Billi comments, before he confidently tells them: 'So girls, I'm newly on the market, anyone fancy a purchase?'

'Anyone fancy a purchase?' Newcomer Ricky Rayment declared himself as being on the market to the TOWIE girls

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