George Clooney confesses to adultery... but he was eight-years-old at the time and thought it meant acting like a grown-up

It's the kind of scandalous headline that would draw gasps of disbelief and send shockwaves through Hollywood.

No one would expect George Clooney to admit to adultery, especially not during a broadcasted interview.

But ex-girlfriends and his current one alike can breathe a sigh of relief because the actor was only eight-years-old at the time - and thought it meant acting like an grown-up.

Confessions of an alter boy: George Clooney admitted to adultery on TV this week -
but he was eight at the time and thought it meant acting like a grown up
George, 50, spoke about his 'confession' during an interview on Inside The Actors' Studio this week, and spoke to host James Lipton about his childhood.

As a photo of an angelic-looking Clooney aged eight flashed up, he spoke about a visit to confession when he was that age.

Clooney, who was raised a Roman Catholic and was an alter boy for a while, said he ended up confessing to adultery.

He said: 'In second grade, you’re 8 years old, and you’re going to confession once a week. You go down that list of 10 Commandments and I remember reading "adultery" and I would confess to committing adultery because I thought it mean acting like an adult.'

'I didn’t know what the hell it meant.'

George was appearing on the prestigious show to talk about his new film The Descendants, in which he has been nominated for an Oscar and a Bafta for his lead role.

He said: 'From the very minute I read the script, I understood it was about a guy who was very different from anyone I ever played before, and anything I was comfortable doing.

'I went to a wardrobe fitting, and they put me in a pair of khakis up underneath my armpits, and tucked a Hawaiian shirt into it. I put away my masculinity and vanity right there. It was gone.'

But not all his roles have brought him huge success, particularly as the Caped Crusader in the 1997 film Batman and Robin, a role which he was slated for.

He told Lipton: 'Coming off of Batman and Robin, I suddenly realized I was going to have to pick better projects.'

One of his favourite things to do is to have fun on set and he is considered the practical joker of Hollywood.

And Brad Pitt, who is one of his closest friends, is often the subject of these fun and games, and at the Golden Globes, Clooney had a cheeky swipe at him when he hobbled on stage with a cane, the same one Pitt used following a tumble on a ski slope while carrying daughter Vivienne.

But George said he is planning another joke for Pitt - and this time it's going to be a big one.

He said: ''I’m a big believer in making sets fun…. and I have done some horrible things to people. Truly, truly horrible!

'I’m working on one now for Brad Pitt, it might end his career. I owe him… I’ve been working on this for two years.'

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